Our Mission

To help creatives get credit for their work.

We all know the internet has made it easier than ever to take images without attribution. Many people don’t even realize they should credit the original source. Or if they do, details are often lost when someone reposts it on social media or blogs.

We are changing that. EXIF.co helps image creators keep control of their work online. It protects high-res photos, adds credits with links, and helps track every view on websites. In addition, we make sure images look great whether it’s seen on desktop or mobile.

EXIF.co is made to give creatives a safer ways to share their work online, and this is just the beginning.

Origin Story

It all started when Jarred uploaded this photo to Flickr.

A year or so later it surfaced on his tumblr feed, uncredited, with over 100,000 notes. From there it progressed onto a Buzzfeed clickbait article and Pinterest.

He created a quick prototype and reached out to Lizy and Travis to collaborate on the idea.

The Team

EXIF is led by designers Lizy Gershenzon and Travis Kochel of Scribble Tone, alongside co-founder Jarred Bishop who currently serves as an advisor.

Get in Touch

Twitter: @exifco
Instagram: @exifco

Press and Inquiries:

Big thanks to our friends and family for their helpful feedback and encouragement.

Special shout-out to the talented photographers Chris Hillary for input since the very beginning, Ian Whitmore for building the useful Wordpress plugin, and Robert Woodward and Sage Brown for all allowing us to feature their pretty photos, and for their helpful feedback.